Information on Trees in Trenton

The White Oak is one of the most common trees found in the eastern United States. They range all the way up to Canada to all the way down to Florida. This tree is by far one of the most numerous species of tree in North America. This tree can grow to be up to 100 feet tall and can live to up to 450 years old. It is a very slow growing tree at about 1 foot per year. The White Oak gets its name from the whitish color some of its leaves produce. The acorns produced by these trees are a good source of food for many small mammals such as squirrels and raccoons. The wood of the White Oak is very durable which makes it a valuable resource for wood production companies.

The Shagbark Hickory is a very common tree found in the eastern United States. This species can grow to be nearly 150 feet tall with an average height of around 100 feet tall. These trees can live to be 350 years old, but the average lifespan is much lower. This tree is not as resistant to diseases and insects as the Longleaf Pine. The Shagbark Hickory being very susceptible to parasitic insects such as the Bark Beetle. This species has some great uses from people though. The wood of this species is very good firewood used to produce flavorful food such as hickory-smoked ham. The tree also produces a natural nut that can be eaten raw straight off the branch.

The Summer Red Maple is one of the more exotic and beautiful looking tree species. This species’ leaves turn a burgundy red color during the spring, a purplish green color during the summer, and then a yellow, red, orange color during the fall. It is an incredible sight to behold when viewed in bunches. Once mature they can be up to 40 feet tall with a branch spread of around 25 feet wide. They grow quickly as well with an astounding 24” per year growth rate. These trees are perfect for outside decoration and for shade in your yard.

The Flowering Dogwood is another tree that can be found throughout the eastern United States but may not be as common as the other species of trees listed. The Dogwood prefers a moist climate to grow in and it can be difficult to grow one in dryer climates, but not impossible. It also prefers growing in the shade of other taller trees to avoid excessive sunlight. This tree can grow to up to 40 feet tall and live to be 80 years old. The tree is much shorter than most and does not live as long. One reason for this is because the Dogwood is susceptible to parasites and diseases. One such disease is the fungus known as Elsinoe corni. Despite this the Flowering Dogwood remains very popular due to its beautiful Fall and Spring flowering.

There are so many other trees in Trenton that it would take dozens of pages just to name them all. From the Silver Bell, American Holly, and the Hazel Alder just to name a few more. All these trees being unique in their own ways and having their own incredible details. New Jersey is not just some state in the northeast with nothing to show but is a beautiful landscape with a huge amount of diversity from shrub looking bushes to the beautiful tree filled Wharton State Forest.


Benefits of Tree Services Towards Your Property


Dangers of Unkept Trees